About Us
Crop Consultants Australia supports those that provide agronomic advice to Australia’s cotton, grain, pulse and oilseed producers.
The association provides a forum for information exchange, networking, professional development and technical training of agronomists and those with an interest in agronomy.
Crop Consultants Australia promotes and enhances crop consultancy as a profession.
Membership categories are available in recognition of those that are self-employed or work for an independent consultant or farming enterprise and those that are attached to an industry organisation including researchers, government employees, chemical company employees and sales agronomists.
Other Activities & eNewsletters
Other activities include the coordination of egg collection services for industry resistance programs, the publication of a membership directory, and representation at industry forums to ensure consultants and agronomists continue to have a voice as issues arise and policies are developed.
The association produces a fortnightly e-newsletter and hosts a variety of professional development events each year in both Queensland and New South Wales. The events focus on providing technical and research updates, discussing new products plus include business development and plenty of opportunities for networking.