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Chris Lehmann Trust Award

Chris Lehmann Trust Award

The Chris Lehmann Trust Fund contributes to supporting the professional development of young people (aged 35 years or less) in the cotton industry.

The Chris Lehmann Trust Young Achiever Award is presented annually at the Australian Cotton Industry Awards. Crop Consultants Australia supports the Trust by providing in-kind administration services.

The Chris Lehmann Trust Fund (CLT Fund) provides financial support to young people in the industry who wish to further their education, develop new skills and continue contributing to the industry through their professional development.

Chris completed studies in Agriculture in 1967 before embarking on a career in cotton. He initially worked as a chemical company representative in Wee Waa before self-funding a study trip to the USA. Upon his return to Australia he formed the first independent cotton consultancy in the Australian cotton industry. Chris became well known for his expertise and agronomy skill, sought after by many leading cotton growers at the time. He went on to be awarded a Churchill Fellowship to further his studies. Along with his expanding crop consultancy business, Chris also purchased farms, was a representative on Boards and undertook more overseas travel and study to expand his knowledge. 

The CLT Fund was established in 2006, the year in which Chris Lehmann was awarded Life Membership of Cotton Consultants Australia Inc (now known as Crop Consultants Australia Inc). Each year a young person aged 35yrs or less is presented with the Chris Lehmann Trust Young Achiever Award at the Australian Cotton Industry Awards.   

Crop Consultants Australia supports the Trust by providing in-kind administration services. 

2021Angus DalglieshFinalist2021James KanaleyFinalist2022Bradley DonaldFinalist2022Lucas WuerschingFinalist2023Kate LumberFinalist2023Jacob ThuijsFinalist
Year Name Finalist / Recipient
2009 Greg Hutchinson Finalist
2009 Sean Boland Finalist
2009 Ben Stephens Recipient
2010 Greg Hutchinson Finalist
2010 David Warburton Finalist
2010 Susan Maas Recipient
2011 Rose Brodrick Finalist
2011 Nick Gillingham Finalist
2011 Fleur Anderson Recipient
2012 Andrew O’Connor Finalist
2012 Rod Smith Finalist
2012 Jamie Iker Recipient
2013 Rhiannon Smith Finalist
2013 Susan Madden Finalist
2013 Sophie Gulliver Recipient
2014 Matthew McVeigh Finalist
2014 Heath McWhirter Finalist
2014 Zara Lowien Recipient
2015 Ben Dawson Finalist
2015 Ryan Pratten Finalist
2015 Ross Burnett Recipient
2016 Elle Storrier Finalist
2016 Benjamin Egan Finalist
2016 Rebecca Fing Recipient
2017 Liz Lobsey Finalist
2017 Cameron Derbridge Finalist
2017 Fiona Norrie Recipient
2018 Jake Cutliffe Finalist
2018 Sam Simons Finalist
2018 William (Bill) Back Recipient
2019 Nick Beer Finalist
2019 Billy Browning Finalist
2019 Murray Connor Recipient
2020 No awards presented due to COVID-19
2021 Emma Ayliffe Recipient
2022 Jessica Strauch Recipient
2023 Emma Bond Recipient